When we exercise, especially when these workouts are high intensity, our bodies accumulate a large amount of hydrogen ions (H+) causing our muscles’ pH to drop (or become more acidic). This process is occurs whether you feel a burn or not. The break down of ATP also adds to this effect. As the pH levels drop, so does the ability to contract forcibly and maintain high levels of performance. This hindrance seriously hampers the ability for the muscles to overload and force muscle gains. This prevents us from sustained high-power output and can cause our muscles to tire.

The solution

Myodurance™ from Hyalogic is a new, revolutionary muscle supplement that combines the moisturizing properties of patented hyaluronic acid, with the buffering properties of beta-alanine and L-carnosine.

How it works

Myodurnace diagram

The purpose of Myodurance™ is to supplement the naturally produced L-carnosine in the body to aid the muscle's intra-cellular buffer. This buffer then soaks up the hydrogen ions (H+) that are produced during the burning of carbohydrates and ATP. This process helps the body to extend its performance where it would normally fatigue and begin to shut down, thus lowering output.

There is a lot to be said about cardiovascular endurance, and yes, this does have an effect on supplying the muscles with ample amounts of oxygen. However, with large amounts of lactic acid within the muscle tissues, the muscles can no longer continue to function properly. Myodurance™ helps athletes of all sports and disciplines to extend their workouts; allowing them to get the most out of their bodies with fantastic results.

The lozenge


A slow dissolving oral lozenge outperforms any tablet or capsule when it comes to absorption of the bio-identical hyaluronic acid. Delivery through the oral cavity is easy to administer and has the potential to provide efficient absorption because the oral mucosa is highly vascularized. Everyone has thousands of special CD44 receptors in the mouth that incorporate the HA into the body. In comparison, the stomach only has a few CD44 receptors so any supplement released via tablet or capsule has to bypass the acidic environment of the stomach and digestive system.

This convenient lozenge can easily be taken once daily or during an event. Because of its small size and is not required to be taken with water, these lozenges can be taken in the middle of your run, stored on a bike, or in a back pack. Many triathletes are already carrying Myodurance™ in small canisters on their water belts for an extra boost of beta-alanine and carnosine during the event.

So in short, by using a lozenge, you are receiving the most benefit, quicker than any capsule or powder.

Buy Myodurance now

(Purchase Myodurance from Hyalogic.com)